Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> Even in the case where imagemagick could produce low quality results, if
> imagemagick is used for the conversion for the PDF wouldn't it make
> sense to also use it for LyX's display? This would give the user a
> better chance of realizing that the final output is poor quality.

If the final output is produced on the curent machine (and not on a 
different one with better converters), and if it is pdf, then yes. If the 
final output is xhtml with native svg images, then it could be worse. But to 
be honest I have no idea whether this is only a theoretical use case, or 
whether it matters in practice.

> Is performance a concern here? I had the same experience as Guillaume in
> that the conversion takes a tad longer. I do not think it is
> significant, and the more accurate conversion seems to be a larger
> benefit than the cost of half a second. It might be nice to test on a
> document with 100 SVGs that are included to see how performance is in
> that case.

Performance is definitely a concern if the converter cache is turned off. I 
invented it exactly for this reason: When working on a book with 200 pages 
and lots of images (mostly xfig) it took a few minutes until all image 
previes were visible, and each new preview that appeared caused some 

If the converter cache is turned on I would not expect a performance 
problem, but it would definitely be good to confirm that with a short test.


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