On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> On 16-Feb-2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > I've been trying to figure out a polite way to say this for some time.
> > Juergen just pushed me over the edge :-)
> Well you shouldn't have put that smily there on a friday, you're a heretic! ;)
>        Jürgen (who still thinks we did the right choice)

Only a little heretical :-) I wanted to show a little annoyance without
being completely rude about it. I know you want a lot of people to test
such things; I just wish another pre or two had been released first (but
then that would have annoyed Lars :-) So not every one can be completely

I still think there needs to be some way of warning people about the
stability of the release without surprising them. I now refuse to upgrade
from 1.1.5fix2 for real work until I'm sure the new release is just as
stable. I can't afford to get caught again with a not-quite-complete
version of LyX the day a conference proceeding paper is due (which
happened to me with 1.1.6).


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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