On 10.07.2016 04:42, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Sat, Jul 09, 2016 at 03:19:51PM +0100, José Abílio Matos wrote:
On Saturday, July 9, 2016 2:42:11 PM WEST racoon wrote:
By the way, since I have never worked on a project like LyX, if anyone
has tips on how to work effectively, I am pleased to know. I guess using
git is one.

The first step is to read:

where there are documents like:

There are places that can help but those are a good first step.

Thanks, I read them before. Though maybe not patient enough.

In addition to José's advice, my advice is the following:

before you spend time doing any work, first check in with lyx-devel and
make a proposal. Because you are proposing a feature (as opposed to a
feature), the most important part is motivation: why do you want to lock
the toolbar? Why would a significant amount of users want to lock the
toolbar? A good way to improve your argument (but by no means
sufficient) for why your feature would be a good idea is to make
parallels to other programs that are similar to LyX. Does Libre Office
have such a feature?

I have proposed the new feature here:

#10283 (and #10282)

After you have motivated the general idea, describe your feature as
detailed as possible. The most important aspect of this is actually the
interface (not the implementation). How will users use this feature?
e.g. will it be in the context menu (the right-click menu)? Will it be
in the menus at the top (File, Edit, ...)?


Then, and this is more optional, you can ask for comments on a basic
outline of implementation.

I have already checked with others on stackoverflow for details on the general implementation and have a small working toy example.

Then, eventually post a patch. You will get bonus points if you mention
that if your patch is given a preliminary "thumbs up", you'd be happy to
work on documentation for the feature, and you even have an idea for the
exact place in the manuals where the documentation would go. Note that
in your particular feature proposal, I don't know if we usually document
such features, but this paragraph is meant to be more general.

Have to fix the compilation of LyX first.

The above steps are not just for beginners. Even experienced developers
go through them. But I think that newcommers do not realize that often
the first step is not a patch.

I see.

And yes, get familiar with git. You should view this as a long-term
investment so spend the time to learn it well. Many software projects
are moving to Git. You will likely use Git for your own individual
programming projects, and even for non-programming projects (I use it to
organize my teaching notes). After a year or so, you will start to
criticize your friends who rely on the old backup mechanism of copying
the folder MyProject to MyProject10234 (but please try to be nice to
them, they don't know any better).

I'll make myself familiar. And it is an interesting idea to use it for teaching notes as well. I guess the main feature of git is that one can keep track of the "progress" then.


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