Am Samstag, den 24.09.2016, 14:05 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
> this works very well in a number of my documents.
> But the thesis I am currently working on also needs the bibtoc
> package,
> When applying this workaround I get:
> Latex Error: Missing \begin{document}
> Latex Error: Option clash for package hyperref
> Description: \usepackage{bibtopic}
> As much as I hate to bother you again I dare ask if you could fix
> this 
> too? ;-)

Running out of time, sorry. I suppose that your class (classicthesis?)
loads hyperref. You could edit that file and insert \usepackage{fixme}
before hyperref is loaded (and of course remove the preamble code from
the LyX document).

If this doesn't help, you will have to do without fixme.


> Michael

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