Hi Enrico,

you added as "ef" added info to the EmbeddedObjects manual regarding the minted listings package.

(Why "ef" and not a readable name? Please use real names because that makes life easier.)

I tried minted out but failed. I have the following problems:

1. You write in the note that one should add these preamble lines:
The package float is already loaded if the user uses a non-default float placement for the document. So shouldn't it be checked if this package is already loaded?. Isn't \floatstyle dangerous because it will affect all following float definitions? I would therefore at leas add a hint to input these 2 lines as last thing of the preamble.

2. You write that
"requires additional software (the pygments python module) and the -shell-escape option for the LaTeX backend, which allows arbitrary code execution." What does that mean? What is the pygments python module? and how do i connect it with LyX? What is the LaTeX backend and how do I apply the option -shell-escape to it?

thanks and regards

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