Stephan Witt wrote:
> >> BTW, I didn???t say the installation of ImageMagick is useless. My point 
> >> is: LyX shouldn???t present error messages on preview of the documentation 
> >> as a PDF-document. That???s why I???m trying to establish a conversion 
> >> path from LyX+SVG-icons to PDF-output via PNG. I don???t know how to do 
> >> this. I suspect should simply be avoided if there is no 
> >> usable ???convert??? or ???magick??? program is available.
> > 
> > I know very little of Mac world. How harsh from us is to request users to 
> > install imagemagick on their own?
> > Are there some binaries available or we effectively ask for compilation, 
> > which I understand is no way for generic user.
> I don???t know of a bundled ready-to-use solution for imagemagick on Mac.

Too bad. Unless you want to became maintainer of mac binaries for imagemagick, 
which I totally understand you don't want, then little cynical solution is to 
wait until someone else becomes frustrated enough and do it for us... :) 

Workaround for the svg problem is to convert everything to eps on our side. Or 
make svg conversion work which might take more energy than to bump convert 
routine of imagemagick :)
Anyway I stand by what I said, the svg trouble is to me much smaller problem 
than the fact that we can't do in many cases postcript output anymore.


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