Stephan Witt wrote:
> BTW, I didn???t say the installation of ImageMagick is useless. My point is: 
> LyX shouldn???t present error messages on preview of the documentation as a 
> PDF-document. That???s why I???m trying to establish a conversion path from 
> LyX+SVG-icons to PDF-output via PNG. I don???t know how to do this. I suspect 
> should simply be avoided if there is no usable 
> ???convert??? or ???magick??? program is available.

I know very little of Mac world. How harsh from us is to request users to 
install imagemagick on their own?
Are there some binaries available or we effectively ask for compilation, which 
I understand is no way for generic user.

I tend to agree with Scott that silent lossy conversion of svg into bitmap does 
not sound as something we should do strive for and as a user I would be happier 
getting error and warning that something proper is missing in my installation 
and fix that first.


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