Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 09:04:33PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > Update of /usr/local/lyx/cvsroot/lyx-devel/src
| > In directory
| > 
| > Modified Files:
| >     ChangeLog buffer.C 
| > Log Message:
| > gen toc also when NEW_INSETS is defined
| >
|   map<string, vector<TocItem> >::iterator it = l.find(type);
|   if (it == l.end()) {
|       vector<TocItem> vti;
|       vti.push_back(ti);
|       l[type] = vti;
|   } else {
|       it->second.push_back(ti);
|   }
| Can't the above code be replaced by simply
|   l[type].push_back(ti);

I think that the construct used in buffer.C now is quite nice, don't
simplify _too_ much.


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