Le 19 mai 2018 10:59:21 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org> a écrit

There is also ProTeXt (https://www.tug.org/protext/), which seems to be
a complete MikTeX distribution, weighing 2.6G.

I used Protext 12 years ago as a tool to install MiKTeX (it's distributed by TUG, but it contains a part of MiKTeX in fact). I tried it together with Riki's installer, here is a record of the test on a quite fast laptop under win10:
* 1h50 to download the 2.6 Go on my 400kb/s internet connection;
* a few minutes to extract ProTeXt from the download;
* half an hour to install MiKTeX;
* 10 minutes to install LyX.

All the docs seem to compile all right, but displays of the pdfs fail by lack of a pdf reader :-( Incredible! I use this win10 seldomly, I have a dual boot with a Debian on this machine, that's why it is quite raw. I guess I would have installed a pdf reader if I had to use it seriously.


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