Le 05/09/2019 à 06:54, Daniel a écrit :
Can't test currently and I am not sure I understand correctly what the patch does. But as far as I do, I don't think I like it. If I understood you correctly, I can replicate the behavior of the patch in stable LyX by inserting the inset and setting the surrounding paragraph to Standard. But this is not intended in some cases. For example, in order to keep description labels together, I use a label inset that does nothing but surround the containing content with brackets {}. So, set a paragraph to Description, enter the label text, mark it and insert the label inset. But with your patch this will reset the description to plain, right?

This is exact, but note that the behavior will not happen if you insert your magic inset first and type into it afterwards. Moreover, the patch will be tweaked to not touch layouts if the collapsible inset forces plain layout, which I guess your label inset does (it should anyway).

So my position is
1/ I am OK with a patch which changes the default font of note insets

2/ BUT we should be aware that this will hide a real bug (and not a mere annoyance) that is that the layout surrounding the inset in your example at the top of this thread should not be there. We should be grateful for the inset to tell us that, not propose to shot the messenger ;)

So I would like to go forward with some changes of how layouts are set/transferred when inserting insets, regardless of the cosmetic changes in display.


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