Am Sonntag, den 02.08.2020, 19:40 +0200 schrieb Daniel:
> The people who designed the Qt mac style didn't think much about flat
> group boxes. I am quite certain. In particular when they did not have
> any guide from Apple how it should be done since Apple does not
> support
> flat group boxes. Apple is very much about uniformity when it comes
> to
> style, I think. And it's not like the Qt people couldn't have better
> things to do than take care of a non-default style on mac given the
> great amount of unresolved Qt bugs.

The people who design the styles are not necessarily the people who fix
Qt bugs.

I think if flat group boxes are not used on Mac, they should link them
to non-flat ones.

I any case this is an issue in the style and should be fixed there.


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