I haven't compiled from CVS in a long time. I have to admit I was kind of
surprised it worked. OTOH, I have gcc-2.95, which seems to be OK these days.

I'm still using lyx-1.1.6 to finish up my thesis -- this isn't the time for
experimental features. Unfortunately, I had to do a bunch of vim editing to
put in è and other such characters because of the keymap bug. (ISTR fix1 had
some problems, and fix2 is still vaporous.)

Anyway, I'm sure this bug must have been reported already, but the
Preferences Colors menu (btw, I love the boldface for the higher-level
menus!) is very confusing. There's a radio button that says "RGB" next to
it. When I click it, it gets filled, and says "HSV" and switches to the HSV
color dial. WHAT?! This is definitely not what I'd call intuitive. Just as a
first suggestion, you could have HSV and RGB buttons side by side, only one
of which is allowed to be lit up. The current situation is weird! (Unless
this is caused by not doing make-install or saving my new preferences file.)

The rough draft of the thesis was 118 pages. Thanks, folks!


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