Full diff again.

Jean-Marc: Could you please check that the lyxfunc.C stuff is correct?

Lars: Could you _please_ commit or tell somebody to commit?

Dekel: The following is my current status concerning your bug list. Would
you please check that the // marked stuff is indeed fixed and comment on
the ?? parts?  And I'd appreciate a new bug list (again including the bugs
you have already reported but that have not been fixed yet?)

------------------------------- snip ------------------------------
//*- If I mark some text, e.g. abc, and then press M-m s (square root), then
//   the marked text is deleted, and an empty root appears.
//   The old behavior was to create \sqrt{abc}.
//    The same happens with \frac

// The problem still exists with decorations (\overline)

?? and with array.

// - math-macro-arg n doesn't work for n>1
//- When moving the cursor with the mouse into a macro instance, the
// macro is not opened on screen.
// Similarly, when moving the cursor with the mouse out of an opened macro,
// the macro is not closes.

// - Decorations are broken:
// All over* decorations are not drawn at all.
// An underline is drawn incorrectly: When there is \underline{x},
// the line is drawn outside of the inset frame. Furthermore, when
// adding more chars inside the underline, the height of the inset frame
// begins to grow.

// *- After mutation from eqnarray to align, the cursor goes into a random
//  position, and LyX sometimes crashes.

// *- It is not possible to convert an eqnarray to display math (the message
// "need to delete rows first" is printed to stderr), while it is possible to 
// convert eqnarray to inline.

- No selection of multiple cells in array/eqnarray


// - If the screen font is large, than when you "open" a macro instance, the
// argument number (#1) overlaps with the argument.

?? - If a macro instance appear inside a subscript, it is not drawn using a
?? smaller (subscript) font as it should.

?? Moreover, when you 'open' the instance to edit the argument, the argument
?? are drawn using the normal font, while it appears that the cursor moves
?? according to subscript size font.


// *- The toggle numbering menu is not disabled when not in math inset

// - 'Insert->Display formula' inserts an inline formula
//   (the lyxfunc should be changed to math-display)

// - You should add add/delete column/row menus to Edit->Math


?? *- Text in superscript is not smaller than normal text.

*- When inserting an integral or summation symbol, an empty superscript appear.

// * - In lyx1.1.6, when I type x^2 <backspace> then the 2 is erased, but the
// cursor remains in superscript mode, namely there is an empty superscript box.
// In CVS, when pressing backspace, the cursor returns to normal level, namely
// the superscript box is erased.

?? *- If I change '\leq \alpha' to bold, the result is \mathbf{£}\mathbf{a} !

// - The size of big operators in display equation is like in inline
// equation and not bigger. 

// Also, when you enter super/subscript for big operator in
// display equation, they appear like in inline equation (not above/below the
// operator).

// - When inserting display math (S-C-M), it is numbered. The old behavior was
// to insert unnumbered equation.

- Just moving the cursor in a math inset causes changing the buffer status
to (changed).
------------------------------- snip ------------------------------


André Pönitz ............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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