On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 09:01:24AM +0300, Baruch Even wrote:
> If you want an immediate conversion to xpm, than both ImageMagick and
> netpbm can do that.
> Define a converter for imagemagick is to define a call to:
> convert $$i $$o

Okay. Now here is what happens:

[kayvan@camel ~]$ lyx /usr/share/lyx/doc/UserGuide.lyx 
convert: Unable to open file (mobius.xpm) [Permission denied].
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... No XPM file found.
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29265GqMDJW/mobius29265r4Vb3I.xpmFailed
convert: Unable to open file (escher-lsd.xpm) [Permission denied].
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... No XPM file found.
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29265GqMDJW/escher-lsd29265f8LD1P.xpmFailed
convert: Unable to open file (platypus.xpm) [Permission denied].
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... No XPM file found.
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29265GqMDJW/platypus292653bMioL.xpmFailed

I don't have any tmpdir settings, but apparently the InsetGraphics stuff
is attempting to write into the read-only document directory.

Copying UserGuide.lyx and /usr/share/lyx/doc/*.eps to another directory
and I run lyx again to get:

[kayvan@camel /tmp/X]$ lyx UserGuide.lyx 
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... Error reading XPM file 'XpmColorFailed
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29288oOET6f/mobius29288M3ippk.xpmFailed
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... Error reading XPM file 'XpmColorFailed
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29288oOET6f/escher-lsd29288gGbxU5.xpmFailed
imageConverted, status=1
Loading XPM Image... Error reading XPM file 'XpmColorFailed
Loading /tmp/lyx_tmpdir29288oOET6f/platypus292887Buym8.xpmFailed

So, what is happening now?

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

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