On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 10:22:15PM -0400, Garst R. Reese wrote:

> John, I know the issues and problems of accessibility. I'm sure that you
> know that a key component is having everything accessible via
> key-strokes. Richard reminded you of that and you replied the good GUI
> design foremost.

I've just shown you several links that suggest GUIs and accessibility are not
inimiical to each other - why do you persist in saying otherwise ?
> Unlike most users, blind programmers go to the extreme
> of translating docs to braille, and reading them. Richard pointed out
> that LyX has taken a step backward in accessibility.
Richard is not talking about accessibility. He is talking about keyboard interaction,
and that is an xforms bug.
> Is it
> really that hard to allow users to enter -12bp and let that override the
> cute GUI cm?
no, but it is stupid. Like Lars has already pointed out, such users should be
using the minibuffer. The fact that minibuffer support is not complete is a
lyxfunc bug. Either way it has nothing to do with the new GUI changes.
Read "Explorable interfaces" and "Learnability" here : 


"Take the ideas you find useful. Try not to get hung up on the labels."
        - Jonathan S. Shapiro

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