On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 03:44:43PM +0100, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> >> One more thing thought wouldn't it be better to have a "LyX Bugs" and
> >> "LyX Features" "product"? I don't like to have new feature requests in
> >> the bugs pages!
> > 
> > So filter them out by making a query.
> I didn't find any option to have ONLY bugs or ONLY features in the query!

Go to the "Query" page. Select all the severities expect enhancement from
the combo box. Go to the bottom and select "add this query to my footer with
the name " ... or whatever it is.

then you can just click on that query in the footer to see all non-enhancement


"Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses the most."
        - Thucydides

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