Angus Leeming wrote:
> Just for my information, what are the current bugs associated with the
> graphics inset. I know about:
> * LaTeX is unable to find the generated eps file if the original non-eps file
> lies in a directory deeper than the document.
> * If LyX loads a graphics some_path/graphics.ext, it will place the generated
> eps file at some_path/graphics.eps. This will overwrite any eps file of the
> same name.
> I think Herbert has cured all the other bugs ;-)
> Feel free to add to this list.

1) BUG:
   Bounding-box implementation on the LyX view is not consistent with
   the final DVI/Postscript output.
   Also, the use of the Top-right y-coordinate in the LyX View is bogus!
   Use 'clip to boundingbox' to check this.

2) WISH:
   Is it possible to make the file Pattern in the graphics file browser
   dynamical, so that it finds the file extensions of all convertable
   graphics format-extensions itself? Everytime I have to add "agr"
   to that list.
   Would be nice if the graphics-file-browser can find out itself about
   that, by using the Format/Conversion information from Preferences.

   When I do "Insert->Graphics..." and then immediatly click on the
   [Close] button, I'm left with a "No image"-square on my canvas.
   However, it would be better if such a "nill-action" would not
   affect the canvas at all.
   NB: Change [Close] into [Cancel] when implementing this behaviour.

Actually this dialog-policy-violation also applies to
   BibTeX-database dialog
   Include-file dialog
   Edit-external-file dialog


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