Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Andre Poenitz wrote:
>> Because Lars started doing the paragraph list changes here and this stuff
>> is strongly related? And the paragraph cleanup probably can't bve done
>> without this kind of stuff?
| That's no excuse. IMO that it was a _really_ bad move of Lars to introduce
| that ParagraphList stuff right now!

Why? I have taken a lot of care to not change neigher
input/display/output of lyx, but of course I do have bugs in my code..
(I am perfectly willing to admit that.)

| We still suffer from bugs in that code
| and he promised us that there will be *no* problem.

Please find the quote on that...

| _Any_ add of code is
| a potential point for new bugs!

(what kind of an argument is this at this stage of development, we
haven't even had a feature freeze yet.)

| A branch would be really good, for this type of stuff (also for the
| ParagraphList stuff) until we really see that it works.

I have effectvely worked in a branch with the ParagraphList stuff all
along, I have alos posted patches to this list with the complete
diff... have you tried it? (or even looked at it.)

I also stated several months ago that "I have now done all the changes
that I dare to do"... without getting it into HEAD...

| I may be able
| to download a branch and test it but I surely will not apply monster
| patches to some version of the sourcetree.

What is the real difference?

| I *really* think we should help John to get the Qt version out and
| be done with a second working GUII implementation.

Please do... we are waiting for your patches.

| We should already
| now try to fix some of the *long* buglist on bugzilla and get 1.3.0
| out of the door as fast as possible. Done the GUII part we can concentratre
| on adding new stuff and makeing the core even cleaner.

"even cleaner"... hilarious...


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