
I run LyX on a machine that has no spellings checker installed!

The following happens when I start LyX from an xterminal:

*Immediately* after selecting the spellings checker, the xterminal
gets the message "LyX: Failed to start ispell!". Then LyX seems to
hang for a while. After that while, the xterminal gets "Ispell read
timed out, what now?" and TWO identical error dialogs, one after the
other, appear on my display; dialog screenshot attached.

Why does LyX hang/wait, when it detects so quickly that "LyX: Failed to
start ispell!" ??

Having two identical error messages (the second appears as soon as I close
the first) is one too many.
BTW is the beginning of the sentence missing in the error message?

Another peculiar detail: selecting "ispell" or "aspell" in preferences both
pop up in the xterminal "LyX: Failed to start ispell!".

Something is not working properly here!


PNG image

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