On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 06:27:34AM -0200, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
> It looks to me that this is totaly independent of the .lyx format, i.e.,
> if you support .tex natively, conversion to .lyx is not necessary. Anyway,
> if one wants to convert .tex to .lyx in this case, opening the .tex and
> saving the buffer as .lyx will allways work.

That's at least my intention.

The question is, of course, how much .tex will be retained even in the
new XMLish .lyx. In order to avoid regressions we'd e.g. need a flawless
.tex -> .lyx -> .tex roundtrip for math, which is easiest achieved by
storing the .tex represantation in the .lyx - at least as a temporary
solution until we understand how .tex <-> MathML can be done without loss.

> OK, but (just as a thought) I don't see the point in saing that .lyx ->
> .tex is a conversion, since it is a vital part of lyx. Without it you
> don't even have printing.

But it still is a conversion, isn't it?


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