>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> Angus Leeming wrote:
>> The attached patch allows reLyX to recognise 'm' column descriptors
>> in tables. Applying it would squash bug. (I forget which number
>> because bugzilla is currently refusing connections.)
>> 'm' column descriptors are functionally equivalent to 'p' ones, but
>> this patch simply adds to the 'special' field so that the LaTeX
>> exported by LyX is identical to the LaTeX it imported.
>> The user has no visual feedback about this fixed width column, but
>> it strikes me that we could actually have the best of both worlds
>> if I also set the pwidth field. Ie, invariant LaTeX _and_ visual
>> feedback.
>> Shall I do this? Jean-Marc, is this something that you'd like to
>> see in 1.3.x too?

Angus> I thought it might be easier for people to comment if I
Angus> attached a re-worked patch with my suggestion incorporated
Angus> together with a test case showing it in action.

Angus> Jean-Marc, please consider this for 1.3.x.also. It fixes a bug
Angus> (722 I think).

I think it is OK. Can you just tell me what is the effect in LyX of
setting pwidth? It is a bit strange to me that it can change visual
feedback without altering latex output. Isn't this a hack?


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