I have an external inset that displays the contents of an xfig file quite 
happily. However, I can imagine that users will often be quite happy not to 
have a graphical preview at all. How then should LyX display the inset?

Should it:

* do as it does now and display a button with some text [Chess: $basename].

* do as it does in my tree and display an insetgraphics-like box with an 
"insetgraphics-like" message? Eg
        Not shown

* Combine the two and display an insetgraphics-like box with an 
insetexternal message [Chess: $basename].


Personally, I tend to the idea that the external inset could have multiple 
different display modes. In the future it might display its contents as a 
math inset...

What should I do?


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