On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 12:07:04AM +0000, Angus Leeming wrote:
> I have an external inset that displays the contents of an xfig file quite 
> happily. However, I can imagine that users will often be quite happy not to 
> have a graphical preview at all. How then should LyX display the inset?
> Should it:
> * do as it does now and display a button with some text [Chess: $basename].
> * do as it does in my tree and display an insetgraphics-like box with an 
> "insetgraphics-like" message? Eg
>         $filename
>         Not shown

This one.

> * Combine the two and display an insetgraphics-like box with an 
> insetexternal message [Chess: $basename].

Or prehaps this.
> Personally, I tend to the idea that the external inset could have multiple 
> different display modes. In the future it might display its contents as a 
> math inset...
> What should I do?

I think it does not matter too much, just give some visual feedback and
do whatever is convenient to do...


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.     (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

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