On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 03:00:49PM +0100, Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
> Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:

> > Insert->List & TOC
> >                 O


> I know. The question was if there are examples of 'natural' letter which
> aren't the first one. Are those of your example particularly better than
> choosing the first 'unused' one?


His stay put when someone adds a feature higher up the menu, or earlier
in the alphabet.  There afe few things worse than the commands in your
application changing with each release (this is where MS started losing
it in the mac market).

Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics    /"\   ASCII ribbon campaign
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These opinions will not be those of              X    and postings. 
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