On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 03:24:34PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> John> Here's an update. I added a couple of comments this time.
> I like it. It will rwquire a lot of docs updates, though.

I am prepared to do this grunt work. If only to show off change tracking :)

> John> We also need getStatus for increase/decrease depth etc.
> Should be easy.

Perhaps you have some idea how. My 3-minute look didn't help me.

The problems we need to solve :

1) Toolbars. We've seen a little discussion on how to proceed here, I
wonder if I could juice you for comments. Ideally we need to make
shown/not shown / position consistent across sessions, and this will
need a little QSettings work I think.

2) edit-properties. As I mentioned we can either have a lot of different
LFUNs for opening the dialogs and make them all OptItems, but there was
some problem with that that I've forgotten right now. Or we can just
have some special code to manage "%s Settings" or equivalent, and put
support in the backend for that.

Which would you prefer ? What code changes do you see being a good idea
? I might do some work to this end ...


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