On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 09:06:27PM +0100, John Levon spake thusly:
> On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 11:40:45AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > However, for inexperienced users using a template, it may be important that
> > items of LaTeX be "locked", so they may not be casually erased.  
> Having this as an option in the .layout files sound OK.
> But I don't like the idea of representing it on the UI level for insets
> in general - what is wrong with using Undo, Revert, etc. if you
> accidentally delete something important ?
> > I have in mind a clickable option in the right-click on an ERT box indicator,
> > that would "lock" the inset, rendering it non-eraseable with highlighted or
> > simple deletion.
> And in particular, I can't see a good reason why this should/would be
> specific to ERT ?

I don't either -- and neither does Larry. ("Might this be useful for insets 
in general?") Perhaps he lost valuable ERT once :-/
> regards
> john

The practical problem I see is that deleting an inset is from the main
document POV not really different from deleting a character. It isn't
really an inset thing as such.

Therefore an alternative proposal: what about introducing an inset --
we could call it InsetProtected -- that protects everything inside it
from deletion? A little easier to code on the document level. And the
thing remains (more) localized.

- Martin

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