On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 04:28:56AM -0300, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> Asger Kunuk Alstrup wrote:
> > Andre, Jose, Konni, Alfredo, Francesca (sp?), Lars, me, Angus, Jean-Marc.
> Thanks Asger,

  BTW, although it could be infered from the picture I don't have a mustache
(sp?). :-)

  Also for all those who may want to know we where more than 100m bellow the
ground. The dangers we get to provide you fabulous lyx release. ;-)

> Is there an explanation for why files are so sloooow to open?
> I killed lyx after 25 min on a file with lots of tables and graphics.
> Python was in a Z state, lyx taking 96% cpu. Even File->New was slow. A
> file with one table took several minutes. All running from uninstalled
> for ...build/src/lyx

  This should not happen. I would expect the process to take at most a few
seconds. If not then it means that I have an infinite loop inside.

  Could you please send me the file privately?

> This is just info, not complaining (yet ;).

  I will return today to Portugal so I will look into it tomorrow.

> Garst

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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