On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 06:22:39PM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> > > > * "the mailing list looks scary"
> > > > * "I'm too busy"
> > > > * "I suppose the designers know what they're doing, who am I to disagree?"
> > > > * "I'm not using the latest LyX, perhaps it's fixed"
> > > > "Sod this, I'm going back to scientific word (or whatever)"
> > > > * "I don't know how to describe my problem well"
> > > > "It's not important enough to report"

>  We get complaints on other issues

So what ? The above is a list of some of the reasons why we might not
get complaints. All of them occur. I know because I personally have both
discovered these being used as reasons, AND done them myself.

> The last /unmarked item/ would confirm my
> point that the UI is more or less ok.

Sorry, "more or less OK" does not imply it can't be better. In fact, it
implies it quite possibly could be better.

> > What I'm telling you is that the problem goes completely away with
> > ranges, because we then have a natural interface:
> > 
> > Edit->Text_Style->Noun
> >                   Emphasis
> >                   Badger
> >                   Other...
> And? We just keep this. Clicking on this entry inserts a new inset of
> this type.

We're going round in circles AndrÃ.

> If you really want, you can add two or three generic items (undo inner
> level, split inner box, merge adjacent boxes) but I doubt anybody ever
> will use them as soon as he discovered the keyboaerd short cuts.

If I saw such menu entries I would be completely lost. I'd just think
"what the fuck?". It's thoroughly bizarre and if you can't see that
there's really no point in trying to talk to you about this :(

Oh, if only I had the resources and time to actually do some proper
lab testing to prove this to you.

> > The fact that you had to tell me how to do that ?
> Huh?
> Ah... I am starting to see the light. You did not know that it was
> possible to remove a box without manuall cut&paste?

I did not.
> Well, given this restriction, all-boxes is indeed clumsy. Maybe that's
> the reason that this feature was already present in Alejandro's
> mathed...
> So why not sit down and try all-boxes usability again? I'd even
> implement the 'cut box' and 'glue boxes' if you felt this would help...

It's slightly better, given that I now know about it being at all
possible. But it's NOT discoverable, and some weird menu item will not
help much.

> > That it's not direct manipulation ?
> Direct manipulation? Of course. This removes the innermost box and spits
> its contents into the box above.

Please look up what "direct manipulation" means.

I suppose I have said all I have to say. *shrug*

Khendon's Law:
If the same point is made twice by the same person, the thread is over.

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