On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 05:11:06PM +0100, Michael Schmitt spake thusly:
> Michael Schmitt wrote:
> > John Levon wrote:
> > 
> >> I think we're all agreed that the current char style stuff (modulo some
> >> minor changes in the way the insets look) should stay as is for now.
>  > Which char styles are supported at the moment?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lyx-devel-1.4.0-devel/lib/layouts> grep Char *
> agu_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Firstname
> agu_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Surname
> agu_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Filename
> agu_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Literal
> db_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Filename
> db_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Firstname
> db_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Surname
> db_stdclass.inc:CharStyle Literal
> stdclass.inc:CharStyle Noun
> For LyX 1.4, shouldn't we better remove the CharStyle "Noun" from 
> stdclass.inc again? The rest is less controversial.
> Michael

I support that (throwing out Noun, that is).

I built CharStyle (i.e., Element) for XML and tried to slip it past
Lars. I failed :-( and so it became a multi-backend thing. The rest is

- Martin

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