On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 08:19:16PM +0100, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> > > > You need to fix your window manager? SCNR
> > > 
> > > Indeed. Save a few small changes I use the same configuration as 14
> > > years ago.
> > 
> > ok... and all new WM features since then are just crap? ;)
> Maybe it's just their documentation. 
> For one, I've not yet figured out how to bind e.g.
>  'Ctrl-Left' to 'move mouse cursor one virtual screen to the left'

I'm using Sawfish, and I've got that function bound to S-M-Left.

> and
>  'Alt-Left' to 'move mouse cursor half a virtual screen to the left,
>                 going to the next screen to the left when necessary'

Sorry, I haven't seen this function though...

> > > It could be made less intrusive like the pink corners of the math boxes
> > > (instead of a 'solid' box...)
> > 
> > Those corners are nice... which reminds me, do you remember that problem 
> > with extra space after the math-inset (the one where the extra space made 
> > you think that there was a real space, and then at the printout you got 
> > stuff like "in this formula C=2you have")
> Yes, I run into this regularly myself. But that's just the usual 2 point
> box space acculmulated by nested boxes...  Maybe going down to 1 would
> help already...

I'm not sure if I was clear enough, but I was worried that we might get 
into similar problems if we put a box around something that's in 
emaphasis for instance.

> > > This holds for a novel or such, but even the random science paper has
> > > structure. And, btw, if you only have flat text you'll never see a box
> > > even with all-boxes.
> > 
> > Now I'm confused... I don't write novels, but I am a book-aholic, and 
> > there's quite often markup (italics, bold etc) even in them. Some modern 
> > novels look awful due to too much markup btw.
> The average novel I read is just flat text with a heading every 20
> pages or so. 
Oh come on, I'm sure you'll find italics more often than every 20 pages ;)
Anyway, to illustrate what I mean, look at this link:

The first italic word is in the 4th paragraph, and the next in the 5th, 
and then in the 7th. 

> > Anyway, this markup would show up as boxes wouldn't it?
> Yes.
> > (and thus possibly impede the writer of that text).

Of course, this will only be an example of something annoying if the 
emphasis is highlighted using boxes in LyX. Additionally, any distraction 
is considerably reduced if the box is only shown when the cursor is 
actually inside such a box (when the cursor is outside the emphasized 
text, that text is only shown as in italics).

Somewhat related... if someone says something, like in the 9th paragraph
        "Ah, there, Little Bite!"
is this something that would end up as a character style, i.e. as a style
indicating that this is something that is said.

(If it is, then any dialog will be swamped with this kind of character 

> You lost me. If too much markup in a novel annoys you, so why do you
> try to use 'people need lots of markup in novels' as an argument? 

Sorry, I should have said bad typography... the example I was thinking of 
used lots of different fonts AND font sizes - urk!


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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