On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 08:54:38AM +0200, Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
> > So now the interesting question: What do I miss?
> Nothing comes to my mind rigth now, but as you know problems come when you
> have started implementing... ;-)

I think the crucial translation is top_y -> new_top_y (buffer absolute
to screen absolute) which should be 

> > PS: There'll still be O(n) parts for updateCounters() and similar.
> > However, those have been there before and were tolerable in 1.3.x.
> I agree that it's doable. I do think that it's more complex than what we
> have now. Before getting into details, what exactly are we avoiding,
> updateParPositions? Are you sure that this is the bottleneck?

We are avoiding several things. First is updateParPositions(), second
(and more important) is the need to have a (semi-)correct row cache
at all. So we would basically never have to call redoParagraph()
manually. And we would not need redoParagraph() in e.g. LyXText::init...


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