On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 11:06:50PM +0100, Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
> José Abílio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> >   Are you aware that:
> >       - you can only see the first page of the document;
> Pressing the down arrow of the scrollbar goes down here. The rest is a
> consequence of the missing fitCursor (I'm working on that).
> >       - the wheel mouse doesn't work for navigating the document;
> Humm it works here (sortof).
> >       - PgDn goes down one line;
> Yes.
> >       - PgUp is a noop;
> Aha.
> >       - any cursor movement seems to trigger a screen redraw?
> Yes.
> >   Other than that it seems ok. :-)
> I can sense the irony you know ;-)

  Honestly it wasn't, sorry ;-).
  What I meant to say is that it works in some aspects better than the HEAD.
  It looks better, but don't ask me to quantify this. :-)

> Summary: I'm trying to solve these scrolling problems.


> Btw, lyx-qt seems to work a bit better than lyx-xforms

  OK. I have tested the xforms frontend, using gcc 3.4 for precompiled
headers. It is a lot faster to compile and test. :-)

> Alfredo

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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