Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> I feel we are beginning on a slippery slope now... ok to support
> windows if only minimal changes are needed... but now we see more and
> more changes needed to support this.
> I am not sure that I am really happy about this "progress"

Let me try and reassure you then. If you look at the code base, you'll 
find minimal evidence of any pollution. Why don you think I've taken a 
month to gradually merge Ruurd's changes into the repository rather than 
just commit the thing in its original state?

$ egrep  -r '_WIN32|WINDOWS' src

shows that the only files containing even a sniff of Windows-specific 
stuff are:


That doesn't look too terrible, does it?

The same is true of all the changes yet to come. Everything can be 
encapsulated so that the code base suffers minimally.

So, what else needs to be done before Ruurd's patch can be declared as 

1. This code we've been discussing about Windows notion of a console or a 
gui app.

2. The signal-handling code needs to be considered carefully as we have a 
reputation to consider; LyX doesn't eat your data ;-) I plan to write some 
little test codes to try out the MinGW implementation of these. See also 
my message a little later in this thread

3. The child process code. My general plan is to first refactor the 
existing code a little so that we present a common interface to the rest 
of LyX. Again, that's not slippery slope territory. Thereafter, we will 
need some Windows specific code, but that will be hidden away behind 
this interface.

At that point, we can say that all is done. Fin. Finito. Ferdig.


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