Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 12.02.05 18:00:31:
> Am Samstag, 12. Februar 2005 15:29 schrieb Chris Karakas:
> And please do us a favor: Wrap your lines after 76 characters or so, 
> otherwise quoted text looks as ugly as in this mail.

Is it not wrapped? I didn't know it. However, I don't have any control on it.  
I use a webmail system - do you know ;-)

> No extra converter definition please. We have the converter mechanism. 
> This should be used for the conversion. Everything else is confusing.
> Maybe this could also be handled by different docbook flavours: Export to
> docbook            (all images are created)
> docbook (for HTML) (pngs are created)
> docbook (for PDF)  (pdfs are created)
> etc.

Maybe you are right. It's O.K. with me. My message was: give control to the 
user on whatever cannot be set up in design time.



Chris Karakas

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