Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
Anyone have a look at this? It's been a while since I have actively
done Literate Programming with LyX and I have need of this functionality

What happened with the error boxes?

I think that they died and were replaced by Alfredo's ErrorList. See src/frontends/controllers/ErrorList.C and ControlErrorList::goTo. In other words, you have a single dialog to help you navigate rather than a multitude of "error insets".

Angus, do you know (or know who might know)?

Why blame me? :)

There seems to be lots of stuff that invokes showErrorList (grep showErrorList src/*.C) where showErrorList actually lauches the dialog:

void BufferView::showErrorList(string const & action) const
    if (getErrorList().size()) {
        string const title = bformat(_("LyX: %1$s errors (%2$s)"),
                    action, buffer()->fileName());
        owner()->getDialogs().show("errorlist", title);

Does this help you track things down?


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