On Tuesday 14 June 2005 14:59, you wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Well, as I said to Jean-Marc earlier, I'm going to cut back on my
> > LyX activities in the very near future.
> I hope this are good news for you. I you've a new job
> congratulations.

Nooo, I'm in the market for one ;-)

>  > nor agree with either of your views of how it should look.
> I'd like to hear your reasons. I think that the best solution can
> only be found in a discussion.

I hate it when interfaces are dumbed down. I'm not stupid but I may 
not be familiar with the field. With a little friendly help, I can 
get there. 

I think that's true of our target audience too and it's a guiding 
principle behind LyX's excellent documentation.

In other words, I think that the installer should lead the user 
through the installation. It shouldn't "just do it" for him. That's 
why I think a summary page at the beginning listing everything that 
LyX has found (or not found) that it can use would be a good thing. 
The user is then in the position to only go to those pages that he 
wants to go to --- but he is in control.

> > No, I'm not being grumpy; I'm pleased I've created something
> > useful and I'm pleased that others are motivated enough to have
> > their own opinions about it. Uwe, feel free to take it and run
> > with it.
> Do you want me to maintain the installer? I can do that.

Great. You've got a job!

> But what I currently can't do is:
> - I can compile the qt-m3.dll but as I currently use MinGW it takes
> 3 hours. I'll try to organize another compiler as this is
> absolutely unacceptable.

Sure. I share your pain, although not as badly.

Actually, you do realise that you don't need to compile the whole Qt 
distribution? Looking at the Makefile in the top level qt directory:

all: symlinks src-moc sub-src sub-tools sub-tutorial sub-examples

It seems that you can stop after sub-src

> Angus could you give me information how you managed ti compile it.
> I also noticed that my qt-m3.dll has 9MB and yours 6MB. So
> something is going wrong. Whcih compiler do you use?

The mingw g++-3.4. My entire list of downloads:
Dec 13 09:19 MSYS-1.0.10.exe
Dec 13 08:59 MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe
Dec 13 09:08 binutils-2.15.91-20040904-1.tar
Dec 13 09:13 gcc-core-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar
Dec 13 09:16 gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar
Dec 13 09:00 mingw-runtime-3.5.tar
Dec 13 09:02 mingw-utils-0.3.tar
Dec 13 09:22 msys-autoconf-2.59.tar
Dec 13 09:23 msys-automake-1.8.2.tar
Dec 13 09:24 msys-libtool-1.5.tar
Dec 13 09:29 msysDTK-1.0.1.exe
Dec 13 09:04 w32api-3.1.tar

My angus-make.bat file that I use to compile Qt/Win Free:

set QTDIR=J:\MinSys\home\Angus\qt3
set MINGW=J:\MinGW
set PATH=J:\MinSys\home\Angus\qt3\bin;J:\MinGW\bin;C:
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
mingw32-make all

Note that I could replace all here, as described above.

> - I've never compiled LyX under Win. I'll try this if I have
> another compiler than MinGW.

I'm afraid that you'll need to compile with MinGW unless you jump 
through some hoops. Michael also compiles with MinGW, but he links 
statically against libqt. This does reduce his link times.

If you want to jump through hoops, then you could compile with MSVC 
using a wrapper that translates g++ compiler commands into something 
understandable to MSVC. I attach Ruurd's code. Note that you'll need  
Cygwin to be installed to translate the paths from one format to the 
other (or hack the code). I've never tried it...

> But I think that Michael Schmidt can help me here.
> So if you could send me an actual qt-m3.dll and lyx.exe from time
> to time until I can do it myself, I think I can maintain the
> installer.

Sure. Or just post updates to the wiki site. I'm not going nowhere 
just yet.


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