Bo Peng wrote:

>> > > Take this to the developers of
>> > > XCMail or drop XCMail and use a mail client that works.
> I do not know other configurations and I never head of XCMail. What
> happened to me is that my .lyx files were changed by sendmail

Then for pities sake, take this to a sendmail forum. Fix the problem not
the symptoms.

> (confirmed) and none of my recipients (using MS/OE, linux/mutt,
> linux/TB) got the correct file.

>> Almost all of 'em I'd expect. Unless OE has been ported to *nix
>> recently? No? Thought not.

> If you do not care about those MS/OE users, how about sendmail users?

The whole Unix world uses sendmail. Less now maybe than it has in the past
ut the point is: no one has ever complained about this problem here before
in the 10 years of LyX's existence. Ergo it isn't a problem for our users.

>> Why not take this to a MS forum? If they don't know about their bugs
>> they can't fix 'em.

> I do not know any MS forum, and I have no interest in improving MS/OE.
> I do hope that lyx will prevail under windows, and getting this
> problem out of the way (without waiting for the change of OE) should
> help.

Then it would appear that we've reached an impass.
Bowing out now,


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