Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> Of course there are many wonderful improvements wrt 1.3 I am not denying
> that. But if you think that the reason why the qt2 frontend stalled
> after the polishing is that it is mature as it is then we should not add
> any new feature to it, should we? just kidding ;-)

Of course we should. However, I do not think that qt2/3 per se is the reason 
(although I agree that the qt2 compatibility is a chock). I think 
establishing the new frontend has undergone several steps:

1. implement it (almost similar to the "base" frontend, i.e. xforms). 
That's 1.3.
2. polish it, remove more and more the limitations of the base frontend, and 
try to be a little different. That's 1.4
3. Really try to use the ressources and functionality of the toolkit. That is 
still to be done.

I have the impression that the GTK implementation is going on quite similar.

Of course, it would not have o be this way, and it could have been evolved 
faster. But that's a question of human ressources.


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