On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 03:56:02PM +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> Just for confirmation, is /cygdrive is present on any cygwin installation?
> But in the special case where a user has a c:\cygdrive and lyx is 
> installed on the same drive, this test doesn't work (I just made the 
> test). Is there any other way?

I really don't know...

> Message to the main lyx developers:
> IMHO, if you want to encourage new contributions, you should relax a bit 
> the implicit process of reviewing for trunk. I think that external 
> developers are feeling very scared (I am for non-qt4) and this fact can 
> stop them from further contribution. So instead of discussing during a 
> month or two some patches, why not commit the patches (if they don't 
> make lyx crash) and work from that point? It's easy enough to revert a 
> change with SVN if a patch is obviously wrong. IMHO, from the new 
> developer point of view, it is much easier to work this way. And _I_ 
> think that the SVN history is much better than the mailing archive in 
> order to know why this or that patch has evolved.

Abdel, I think that a review is necessary. You cannot be sure that you
did no mistakes. As regards myself, I understand that cygwin related
problems are not a priority. I simply hope to pinpoint the problems,
suggest a solution and wait that someone more knowleadgeable than me
tells if it is ok or suggests something better.

For example, while testing I just got this assertion from boost:

assertion "src.size() == std::strlen( src.c_str() )" failed: file 
"../../../../../boost/libs/filesystem/src/path_posix_windows.cpp", line 235

I don't get it without my patch, so, something is going wrong.
Back to thinking...


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