On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 02:11:25PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Georg" == Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> However, you could also use other native apps apart from miktex, so
> >> it is useful that both 1) and 2) return either posix- or win-style
> >> paths. This is to be independent from the cygwin_path_fix switch
> >> and in my patch it is done through the "Use Cygwin-style paths"
> >> checkbox.
> Georg> Not agreed. os::internal_path should always create posix-style
> Georg> paths. Why would we want other paths internally? 
> Definitely.

Note that for the win32 target os::internal_path returns pseudo-win style
paths. Why it cannot be so also for cygwin?

> Georg> If you think about presentation of paths to the user, then I
> Georg> would rather invent a new function display_path(), otherwise we
> Georg> mixup things. One could argue what os::external_path should do.
> external_path could have a second, optional, argument that would be an
> enum describing what we want to do with the name (LATEX, DEFAULT,
> whatever). 

No, sorry. external_path should not be related to latex.

> Hmmm, I am not sure it is a good idea actually.
> Georg> The checkbox does not really solve the fundamental problem: On
> Georg> cygwin, we don't know which of the external programs needs a
> Georg> cygwin style path, and which one needs a native windows path.
> Georg> rather than the checkbox I would like to have a more general
> Georg> mechanism, for example a wrapper script that is invoked instead
> Georg> of an external program and that can translate the paths. The
> Georg> configure script could then write the corresponding entries in
> Georg> lyxrc.default.
> For converters, we could use a flag to tell what kind of paths are
> needed. Of course, if we use "convert" we do not know whether it is a
> native or a cygwin version (do both exist?).

Both exist, and the cygwin version has no problems with C:/xxx style
paths, even if it is presented with eps:C:/xxx.

> We could also have special forms of $i $o and friends asking for an
> internal path.

This is a cool idea, but I think that it is orthogonal to the question
of what kind of paths internal_path and external_path should return.


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