On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 07:21:54PM +0000, Luis Rivera wrote:

> Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Have you ever thought of pushing lyx to the official cygwin
> > repository? The process is not terribly complicated (
> > http://www.cygwin.com/setup.html ) and you sure will get a lot more
> > users (and their appreciations for your work) and lots of feedback.
> > 
> I follow this motion.  TeXmacs already has followed this path, supporting 
> both "native" and "cygwin" ports.  Of course (and naturally, I think) 
> the "nativ" port is slightly behind the "cygwin" port, since TeXmacs (and 
> LyX, 
> if I'm not mistaken) are "native" *nix apps.
> And I agree: if you offer some port to cygwin, you'll widen not only your 
> users 
> base, but also developer workforce.

The point is that I cannot afford to be an official maintainer and I
had hoped that someone could take over.


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