Uwe Stöhr wrote:

A new really nasty problem appeared: LyX for Windows is after an update of MiKTeX no longer able to produce DVI or Postscript output. The reason is the clean_dvi.py script that invokes the programs dt2dv.exe and dv2dt.exe. These two programs need "hypertex" as driver but MiKTeX changed the driver to "hdvips" in the file "hyperref.cfg". I'm currently discussing this with the MiKTeX developer if it is really needed. In the meantime I'll install the hyperref.cfg as we need it, but this couldn't solve the following dilemma: Users who install LyX fresh together with MiKTeX and later update MiKTeX won't be able to produce DVIs. They have to reinstall LyX or change the .cfg file to fix this. A further update of MiKTeX won't override the hyperref.cfg so they are then "save".


I just upgraded MiKTeX and then tried to generate DVI output for a document containing three (black-and-white) PNG graphics. Both inside and outside LyX, I got a DVI file, but all three graphics had red dotted lines running above and below them. When I exported to LaTeX, LyX (1.4.1) converted the images to EPS format. I looked in the EPS files, and the red lines were not present there.

Is this a symptom of the hyperref.cfg change? If so, perhaps you could post the LyX-compatible version of hyperref.cfg to the wiki? (I'm going to try copying it from a system that I have not yet upgraded, but not everyone has multiple installations.)

Thanks (and thanks for the warning!),


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