python install

Easy enough, right?

Then I tried:

D:\cygwin\home\yns\lyx\trunk>scons frontend=qt4 qt_dir=d:/program/Qt/4.1
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for
pkg-config >= 0.1.50 is not found
Checking for main() in C library z... no
Did not find libz or zlib.h, exiting!

Please have a look at config.log (or report it here.) The problem
seems to be with 'main()' though.

At the cygwin console, I tried:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx/trunk
$ python scons frontend=qt4 qt_dir=d:/program/Qt/4.1
d:\program\Python24\python.exe: can't open file 'scons': [Errno 2] No
such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx/trunk
$ scons frontend=qt4 qt_dir=d:/program/Qt/4.1
bash: scons: command not found

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx/trunk
$ python D:/program/Python24/Scripts/scons frontend=qt4
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for pkg-config...yes
Checking for main() in C library z... no
Did not find libz or zlib.h, exiting!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx/trunk
$ python D:/program/Python24/Scripts/scons frontend=qt4
qt_dir=d:/program/Qt/4.1 extra_in
c_path=d:/mingw/include extra_lib_path=d:/mingw/lib
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for pkg-config...yes
Checking for main() in C library z... no
Did not find libz or zlib.h, exiting!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx/trunk
$ ls d:/mingw/include/zlib.h

Again, I will have to have a look at config.log. Note that you will
need cygwin/python for cygwin and official python for mingw.

Cheers, (see, I am still in a good mode.)

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