> I know scons is not perfect right now, but I do not expect
> anyone who does not like it to use it  either. Why cannot Lars and
> other autotools fans just *ignore* the scons stuff?

Because when someone tries to build with scons, and they have
a problem,
they are going to send an email to lyx-devel about it.  If you don't
have time to maintain a branch with the scons stuff in, then you can't
possibly have time to handle all complaints about it either.

Just reply: that is not supported.

But I would imagine more like: autoconf is kind of troublesome under
windows, please try scons first. Scons is already working smoothly
under linux (our main user base), subject to more testing. Under
windows, it is *already* easier than the "go to wiki, read the 2000
lines intruction, put this file under /usr/lic/qt3/blah get this
blah.sh file and run blah". The complications are mostly handled.

The main problem with scons now is that it does not do scons install
yet. It is not that I can not do it (scons is very flexible and there
are sample code everywhere), but I would like to wait for the
standardization of this feature.

Of course nobody's objecting in principle to making life easier for
windows developers.  But maintaining two build systems is a significant
decision, and unless you're going to maintain it yourself, perhaps you
should have asked the people who would end up doing so.

I have said it before again and again: at this stage, I, and
developers who are intereated in making their life easier, will
maintain and use it. Other people, *please* stay with autotools.

By the way, I hate autotools.  I hate them because they're too
complicated.  Having scons+autotools is even more complicated.
Autotools needs a replacement, not anything extra.

A replacement will never happen without a trunk appearance of another
build system.

in the backend need multiple implementations in the frontend.  With
scons+autotools, changes in the build logic need multiple changes
in the build tools.

We will update scons by ourselves, we know that will be easy. We have
promised to update Makefile.am if we know how to do it. What else you
are expecting from us?

So let's have a branch, and let's have a serious look at scons as a
potential replacement for autotools.

*nix people are quite comfortable with autotools, and they do not care
about windows, although they advertise the 'universal portability' of


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