On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 02:22:36PM -0700, Mike Ressler wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 10:33:36PM -0400, Larry Kollar wrote:
> >
> > >  - The "put a (tm) after PostScript or we'll get sued" is also, shall
> > >    we say, shrill. Unless the team has been warned repeatedly, the worst
> >
> I haven't toned the Postscript (tm) :-) stuff down yet. I agree it gets a
> bit pendantic - maybe I'll poke around on the Web and find out what common
> practice is. Things like The Gimp should have attracted Adobe's attention
> by now ;-) so I'll see how they label Postscript.

A reminder:  "DocStyle" is for people who are:

a) Eager to help with LyX, but whose only experience with software
   documenation is a manual for Windoze;
b) Eager to get glory or think that, by helping with the docs, it will
   give them the right to dicate to the coders what feature to put in

I dealt with both, it would seem, during my time as editor-in-chief.
I ended up doing a lot of editing, and soemtimes complete rewrites.
(Seems some people never learned how to follow simple instructions
during kindergarten.)  So, "DocStyle" tends towards the shrill,
because the volunteers wouldn't bother to listen to my polite
requests.  Sad but true.

However, since a single, initial genuflection to trademark holders
suffices, we can do that instead.  (Actually, I think the repeated
(tm) stuff was done to thumb our collective noses at trademark;
remember, in the mid-90's someone tried to trademark "Linux" out from
underneath Linus Torvalds.  Sometimes excessive use can be a form of
sarcastic protest <gryn/>.)

John Weiss

"Not through coercion.  Not by force.  But by compassion.  By
affection.  And, a small fish."  -His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama 

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