On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 10:27:25PM -0400, John Weiss wrote:

> during kindergarten.)  So, "DocStyle" tends towards the shrill,
> because the volunteers wouldn't bother to listen to my polite
> requests.  Sad but true.

I don't doubt that was true then, but I don't think we should a priori assume
new people will be like that :)

A good ol' Friday flame should have the same effect if necessary.

> underneath Linus Torvalds.  Sometimes excessive use can be a form of
> sarcastic protest <gryn/>.)

heh :)


"Do you mean to tell me that "The Prince" is not the set textbook for
CS1072 Professional Issues ? What on earth do you learn in that course ?"
        - David Lester

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