On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, John R. Hudson
<j.r.hud...@virginmedia.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-04-06 at 14:11 -0400, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 3:57 AM, John Robert Hudson
>> > In 33572 I would write 'du genre fichier zip' meaning 'of the type zip'
>> > but then I'm not a native French speaker.
>> What would you put before "du genre fichier zip"? "des fichiers du
>> genre fichier zip"? That sounds strange to my (also non-native) ears.
>> A google search shows that "du genre fichier zip" and "des fichiers du
>> genre zip" return 3 results. "des fichiers zip" returns 974,000.
>> Scott
> I was suggesting 'Ces archives sont du genre fichier zip,' because the
> sentence concludes by referring to 'une archive zip ordinaire' - in
> other words the sentence appears to be stressing the type of file and
> the consequences of the files being of that type.
> I agree it would be normal to refer to 'des fichiers zip' where the type
> was incidental or inevitable in view of the context; I was responding on
> the assumption that the context was an introduction of the idea that
> they were of a particular type. However, I don't have the whole context
> and it may be that the previous text refers to compressed files and this
> simply reinforces it - in which case, my suggestion doesn't add anything
> to what you already have.

Ah I see what you mean. That makes sense but since neither of us seems
too confident, I'll wait to see if a native French speaker comes
along. If not, I think I'll commit the original patch since it at
least corrects the discordance of singular/plural without trying to do
anything more.


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