%% Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Paul> Oh, wait.  I see the problem.  Somehow these only work if you
  Paul> invoke the command with the exact name "lyx" (so that's [at
  Paul> least the filename part of] arg[0]).  I installed it as
  Paul> "lyx-1.0.0" and was running it with that name, and when you do
  Paul> that none of the command line options work.  I'd say that's a
  Paul> bug, too.

  jl> Hmm, what should we use to get the options? Is arg[0] always right?
  jl> What if arg[0] is a symlink to some other name?

Well... first, I don't understand why the name of the app should have
anything to do with parsing the command-line options.  Sure, the name of
the app is always used as the instance name for X resources, but what
does that have to do with the command line?

Obviously, for xforms perhaps it does (weird!).  At the very least, if
it's trying to combing the command-line handling with the "normal"
resource handling somehow, it should use the resource class name "LyX",
not the instance name.

But, it doesn't appear to be.  The whole thing is odd, but if you're
handing argc/argv off to xforms to parse things like xpos/ypos/etc., I
doubt there's much you can do except report a bug to the xforms folks.

  jl> You found it: xforms does not use Xt. I guess this means that handling
  jl> resources a la Xt would be too difficult.

Bleah.  When did you say you were moving to a new toolkit ? :)

Xforms may be simple to develop with, but it sure has some bletcherous
aspects (the menu handling I find particularly annoying :-/).

  jl> JMarc, waiting for fvwm 2.2.0 to magically appear on my nearest
  jl> mirror ftp site ;)

Oh, yah, er, um, hrumph.  Ahem.


 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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