Hello LyX users

I'm newly subscribed to the list and not yet blooded as a lyx user though I have
experience in document formatting using XICS (a proprietary Xerox format,
somewhat SGML-like).

I'm peripherally involved in a co-operative effort to get a new UK Linux
magazine launched. Since the progenitor of this has asked for contributions to
be submitted in LaTeX format I am advocating that contributors should be
encouraged to use LyX so that a detailed LyX document template can be
distributed which will allow these authors to send in their articles in an
almost finished format and thus substantially reduce the amount of re-editing

In my experience this is a valuable thing to do particularly as regards
positioning of figures relative to their references in the text, control of
widows and orphans, column, section and page breaks etc. If the submitted
article is already formatted with the same fonts, carding, column dimensions etc
then there is much less that should need to be changed (unless they adopt the
appalling practise of inserting advertisements into the middle of the articles).

Anyway, the question I have is this: In outline, what is involved in creating
such a detailed template for LyX? I note that there seem to be two things
involved: templates themselves which it seems are just normal lyx documents in
which you've substituted placeholder text, like entering the word 'Title' rather
than an actual title. And document classes, which look kind of hard-wired. How
difficult is it to create these and what do I read to find out how to do it?

I'm hoping to create templates or classes or whatever that will specify every
single detail affecting the placement of data on the printed page, and define
styles for headings, headers and footers, body text, figure titles and
everything else.

And how do  lyx-0.12 and lyx-1.0 differ in this context?

I'm already reading the version 0.12 documentation but having a bit of hard time
finding what I want. I just need a few pointers so I can get high-level answers
to these vital questions without waiting to become proficent in basic LyX usage

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Ralph Clark, Virgo Solutions Ltd (UK)
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