With regard to multiple frames, I tried on my Linux box last night and was
able to open several instances of LyX with a different document in each and
switch between them with no trouble at all.  I didn't try it, but I would
suggest that the X clipboard functions might well be available for
transferring text between instances as well.  The usage is quite the same as
that of multiple frames in Emacs.  The only thing you need to note is that on
opening each instance of LyX, it appears in the center of the window and will
overlay the other instance previously opened such that it appears you have
only one opened.  But if you move one or the other away from the center of
the window, voila'!... there's the previous instance underneath, all ready to
be used, moved to where you want it, or size-adjusted so you can see more of
what you're doing.

Hope this helps.

Thierry Michalowski wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, myriam wrote:
> >
> > I have 2 general questions related to that.
> >
> > I've heard of KDE and Klyx.  What's the
> > relationship of Lyx with Gnome and how
> > choose between KDE and Gnome if they provide
> > the same functionality but you also want Lyx?
> >
> Well, I should try to answer to that. Actually, I think -should be
> corrected by someone if I'm wrong, I'm currently working withe the 0.12
> version of Lyx - that there is no relashionship between Lyx and Gnome,
> neither KDE.
> KLyx is basically an effort to let Lyx conform to a "standard" interface
> which is defined by KDE. Maybe the developers added some functionalities
> too, but that was not the main purpose of Klyx.In my opinion.
> Gnome and KDE do not provide the same functionality. They resemble in the
> way they both try to be a user-friendly interface to Linux/Unix, but they
> are ways different. I think Gnome is more powerful and configurable, too,
> but that is another question... :-)
> So, if you just want Lyx, you can have it.And you don't ever need Gnome
> nor KDE! (I don't have any on my Sun station at work, and still I'm using
> Lyx.But I don't use Klyx, which needs KDE, or at least some of its
> components, to work.)
> For the multi-frame question, I thought there was a menu that allowed to
> switch between a bunch of opened documents on the right of the main menu
> of Lyx...Of course, you still work with only one frame, but at least you
> don't need to close and reopen every document every time you switch back
> and forth!
> >     >I'm looking forward
> >     >to the final release of 1.0 :)
> >
> > I have to download the latest version this weekend before
> > school starts again.  Are you going to tell me the new
> > version is out Monday?
> >
> Maybe the developers will flame me for that, but I'm awaiting the
> "imminent" 1.0 version for at least two months now...Still "imminent"
> though...Much more than two month ago I suppose! ;-D (Well, just kidding,
> guys!)
>  > Whew, I kept it down to 2
> questions :) >
> You're welcome!
> Thierry Michalowski                                     /
> CPE Lyon - 3rd year Student                \\\' ,      / //
> Electronics and Computer Science            \\\//    _/ //'
> 17, rue d'Enghien                            \_-//' /  //'
> 69002 LYON FRANCE                              \ ///  //'
> phone: +33 4 78 37 03 11                       /  >>   \\\`
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                              /,)-^>>  _\`
>                                               (/   \\ / \\\
> "Unix is user-friendly...                           //  //\\\
> It is just selective about who its friends are"    ((`
> --
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